Penis Health

Penis Health How Often Should a Man Ejaculate?

There's no magic number when it comes to how much you should or shouldn't ejaculate, and ejaculation is linked to lots of health benefits.

Penis Health What’s the Proper Way to Measure Your Penis?

Learning how to correctly measure your penis isn't about bragging rights, it's about sexual health and buying the right sized condoms.

Penis Health How to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Consistently ejaculating sooner than you or your partner would like can be frustrating and embarrassing, but you don't have to live with it.

Penis Health Can You Make Your Penis Bigger?

Whilst there are means of increasing your penis size, the question you should really be asking is this: does size really matter at all?

Penis Health How to Increase Sperm Count

Low sperm counts affect 1 in 3 couples struggling to conceive, but fear not - there are things you can do to naturally boost your sperm count

Penis Health 8 Tips for Healthy Sperm

Healthy sperm isn’t just a numbers game. Semen volume is important, but there's also a number of other factors that define sperm health.