Hair Bible; Finasteride, Minoxidil and Power Shampoo

● September 2019

While it has lots of fans in various corners of the world, it’s fair to say the Patrick Stewart look isn’t for everyone. And considering the human head loses around 50 to 100 hairs a day, it’s no surprise the onset of baldness, gradual or otherwise, remains a cause for concern for men of a variety of ages. Blame it on what you like: hats, sunshine or your hair wax – none of which really can be held to account for your hair loss by the way – the real question is what can be done about it?

While it has lots of fans in various corners of the world, it’s fair to say the Patrick Stewart look isn’t for everyone.

Reassuringly for those losing track of a runaway hairline, there are plenty of options that work well, both apart and together. The trick is finding the right ones for you; which is exactly why we’ve put together a quick rundown of our most trusted follicle enrichers.


Finasteride was introduced to the UK in pill form in 2002. Since then it’s cemented its reputation as one of the most successful treatments for hair loss on the market. Studies have shown that a whopping nine out of 10 men find it helps them either to grow more hair, or to stop losing it as quickly – and it’s proven just as successful when it’s applied directly to a place on the body, rather than gulped down as a pill. As far as the nuts and bolts go, Finasteride blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT, the hormone responsible for hair loss in a lot of men. Less DHT means its impact on the hair follicles is lessened, which also means: more hair!


Medical scientists originally created Minoxidil as a treatment for high blood pressure, but eventually also ended up with one of only two FDA approved pharmaceutical treatments for male pattern baldness (alongside Finasteride, of course). Minoxidil works by increasing your blood flow, stimulating the hair follicles and revitalising hair growth. In either pill form, or in shampoo formulas, it’s proven to be a highly successful motivator of scalps, with studies showing two thirds of men with male pattern baldness seeing an improvement after using it.

Minoxidil works by increasing your blood flow, stimulating the hair follicles and revitalising hair growth.

Power Shampoo

Then there’s our very own Power Shampoo to complement medical products such as finasteride and minoxidil. 

A good shampoo is very important to ensure your hair are clean and look good. 

Where most shampoos are only concerned with getting your hair clean – or, y’know, smelling of raspberries – this powerful blend of ingredients are also formulated  to go further in helping improve your hair health.

So far only two products have strong scientific validation to stimulate hair growth: minoxidil and finasteride. That being said, some laboratory studies have shown that some other ingredients can have a positive effect on your hair growth.

That is why we decided to pack our Power Shampoo with great ingredients such as caffeine, biotin and saw palmetto. Caffeine in laboratory studies have been proven to stimulate hair follicles and growth, Biotin can be helpful for keratin production (the protein hairs are made of) and Saw Palmetto is widely thought to have some hormonal protective actions.

Where most shampoos are only concerned with getting your hair clean – or, y’know, smelling of raspberries – this powerful blend of ingredients are also formulated  to go further in helping improve your hair health.

Teamwork makes the dream work

On their own, each of these ingredients can do amazing things, but, like any good crew, it’s when you put them together that they produce truly remarkable results. Caring for your hair means finding treatments that combine these scalp-savers and use them to maximum effect, and while all of these options are clinically proven, it takes a little bit of know-how to get the most out of them. That’s why Manual offer online consultations, to make sure you find a personalised solution that works for you. Between prescription pills, shampoo and a topical solution, together we can build a plan around which one, or more, of our tried and tested treatments works best for you.

On their own, each of these ingredients can do amazing things, but, like any good crew, it’s when you put them together that they produce truly remarkable results.

Just as there’s no one cause of hair loss, there’s no one solution either. Fortunately, with a bit of expertise and a few personal touches, there are more than enough options to get you feeling back to your best again. Whether you decide to reinspire your follicles or embrace a hairless future, everybody’s approach to hair loss should be individual to them. In other words: on your head be it.

For your free online consultation, visit our website. 

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