
Hair Loss

Hair Loss Stats: The Numbers You Need on Male Pattern Baldness

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Medically approved by Dr Earim Chaudry
Chief Medical Officer
iconLast updated 23rd February 2022

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Male pattern hair loss is incredibly common – and it gets more common as men get older. Here, we’re sharing hair loss stats that show just howscribble-underline common it is, what causes it, and how successful hair loss treatments can be. In short? If you’re struggling with male hair loss, there is hope.

How Common is Male Pattern Baldness (MPB)?

Just how common is hair loss in men? The hair loss statistics show the unfortunate truth:

Hair Loss Statistics by Age

Hair loss affects men of different ages in different ways. Conventionally, the chance of experiencing hair loss is thought to correlate with your age. So, if you’re 50, you probably have about a 50% chance of experiencing hair loss.

But what do the scientists say?

  • 16% of men between 18 and 29 have moderate to extensive hair loss, while 53% of those between 40 and 49 experience it (Dermatologic Surgery, 1998)
  • Approximately 25% of men with hereditary hair loss experience thinning hair before the age of 21 (American Hair Loss Association)
    • 66% of men aged 35 will have experienced some degree of hair loss
    • 85% of men at 50 will have significantly thinner hair
  • 100% of men over 80 will likely experience hair loss, according to a study conducted among Singaporean men (Singapore Medical Journal, 2000)

Causes of Hair Loss

There are many causes of hair loss. But in men, the overwhelming reason is male pattern baldness. That’s the form of inherited hair loss that develops as you age. Here are the key stats:

  • 95% of male hair loss cases are caused by androgenetic alopecia (the technical term for MPB), making it the most common form of hair loss (Plastic Surgery Secrets Plus, 2010)
    • The remaining 5% make up other types of hair loss, such as alopecia areata and traction alopecia
  • Genetics account for 80% of a man’s predisposition to baldness (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2003)
  • 63 genes contribute to male pattern baldness (Nature Communications, 2017)
  • MPB is strongly linked to the AR gene on the X chromosome. A major study found that if you have this gene, you are twice as likely to have MPB (PLOS Genetics, 2012)

The Science of Hair Loss

What is a normal hair growth rate? And how much hair do men typically lose? Here’s what you need to know, as well as some of the key biological changes you undergo when experiencing hair loss.

The Impacts of Hair Loss

If only the impacts of MPB were limited to your hairline, the condition would be much easier to manage. Unfortunately, hair loss can affect your wellbeing and mental health too:

  • 8% of non-balding men said hair loss would affect them emotionally. However, 50% of men with mild hair loss and 75% with severe hair loss were concerned (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1992)
  • 62% of men agreed that hair loss affects their self-esteem, in one study (Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2005)
    • 43% said hair loss was linked to concerns about losing part of their personal attractiveness
    • 22% said hair loss had a negative effect on their social life
    • 21% reported feelings of depression
    • 38% of those not in a stable relationship reported reduced self-confidence
  • 40% of men with hair loss were unsatisfied with how their doctor dealt with their problem (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2001)

Treating Hair Loss in Men

It’s not all bad news. Hair loss can be treated. Here are some of the key stats you need on the power of hair loss treatments.

Key Takeaways

Male pattern baldness will affect the majority of men us throughout our lives. But these hair loss stats show that you don’t just have to let it happen. Hair loss is treatable and beatable.

Learn more about your treatment options for hair restoration here.


What is the Average Rate of Hair Loss?

On average, men and women lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. This is totally normal. However, if you’re suffering from male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia), hair loss will be much faster. Studies show you may lose as much as 5% of your hair per year.

What Percentage of Guys Lose Their Hair?

Studies suggest that 96% to 100% of men experience some degree of noticeable hair loss throughout their lifetime — whether general hair thinning, a receding hairline, or a balding crown.

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